Natural Energy Boosters

Struggling to find enough energy to see you through the day? Here are some great natural energy solutions to boost your vitality We all feel tired from time to time, but if you’re suffering from a constant energy crisis, waking up groggy in the mornings then it’s time to take action.

Why I Love Kefir: My road to health and gut healing

Fermented foods are a big part of my diet and my family’s diet.

Broadcaster and Author

I have published over 11 recipe and health books and have worked for many Broadcasters and film companies.

Nutritional Clinics

Nutritional Clinics in Harley Street and Berkshire and onsite corporate clinics and online services.

Nourish Cookery Days

I am passionate about inspiring others to optimise their health through nourishing foods.

Recipe Development

As a qualified chef and nutritionist I am well known for my mouth-watering, nourishing recipes.

How To Supercharge Your Health

Many of us today are suffering with an energy crisis. Our lives are so busy that too often we neglect to nourish our bodies, sacrificing our self and wellbeing in the process.