Simple Ways to Ditch the Sugar

Do you have a sweet tooth? Most of us will overindulge at times but many of us are consuming far more than we should.

Weight loss Plateaus and When to take a Diet Break

If you’ve read any of my fitness and weight loss blogs you'll understand the importance of energy balance and macros for weight loss.

Is Your Environment Sabotaging Your Health Goals?

Whatever your health goals - whether it is to lose weight, improve your diet overall, skip the snacks or alcohol there is one area that is often overlooked - the environment you create around you.

Nutritional Genomics - when your genetic tests matter

Nutrigenomics is a scientific discipline that studies the relationships between our genes, nutrition and health—all the way down to the molecular level.

My Top Minerals for Healthy Mood

There are hundreds of neurotransmitters in the brain and when it comes to maintaining a healthy mood and optimal cognition their balance is crucial.

Building Healthy Habits for Long Term Success

Have you ever looked envious at someone who always seems to show up to the gym, gets in their daily run or eats healthy all the time.

Lectins - when food may not be your friend

Lectins are one of the most significant sources of food sensitivity yet are often overlooked.