Did you know that your biological age can increase by up to 30% during the perimenopausal period? The fluctuations and decline in hormones around Menopause can have a significant effect on how quickly we age during this transition. In turn this can have dramatic effects on all our body systems including our brain, heart, bones, skin and of course our metabolism.
As we age, the balance of our immune system changes. This shifts the balance of proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes in our body making us more prone to systemic inflammation. Inflammation increases oxidative stress speeding up the process of ageing and weight gain.
What the Research Says
Most proteins in our body are covered by sugar molecules, called glycans, which attach to them resembling branches of a tree. This highly complex process is called glycosylation.
Glycans make a big difference to our unique biology and are influenced not only by our genes but also our environment, diet and lifestyle choices we make. While we cannot change our genetic make up we can influence glycans through dietary and lifestyle intervention.
GlycanAge is the first commercial, glycan-based, biological age test that determines your biological age by looking at the state of your immune system and inflammation.
GlycanAge analyse the glycans attached to the most common antibody in our blood called lmmunoglobulin G or lgG. The type of glycans attached to it are able to change the function of lgG from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory and vice versa.
We need both functions for a strong immune system, but it is the balance between them that is important for our overall health and in turn affects our biological age.
Our GlycanAge Study
Are you ready to make changes to your diet and lifestyle, lose weight and ensure you move through the perimenopause / menopause transition with optimal health?
We’re looking for individuals who would be interested in taking part in a 12 week study to analyse the impact of dietary and lifestyle changes in collaboration with GlycanAge, the first commercial based biological age test that determines your biological age essentially by looking at the state of your immune system and inflammation.
In order to join the study, you need to commit to following a dietary programme for 12 weeks together with nutritional supplements and conduct two GlycanAge tests (home spot blood tests) – at the beginning of the study and at the end of the study.
We take personal information very seriously. Your data and sample along with the data and samples of other clients participating in this research enables GlycanAge Ltd to conduct further research in perimenopausal and menopausal women in relation to their biological age and publish scientific research papers related to it. GlycanAge Ltd’s commercial partners may be provided with access to research data in GlycanAge Ltd’s possession for those purposes, but not your personal identification data.
Who Can Participate?
We are looking for women who are currently going through the perimenopause or who have recently entered menopause. The age range we are looking for is between 45 – 55 years. It does not matter if you are taking HRT or similar hormone replacement as long as you have been on it for at least six months. If you are on long term steroidal medication or who have a current long term health condition please contact us to see if you are eligible.
Does it Cost Anything?
The first twenty women, participating in the study, will be eligible for two FREE GlycanAge biological age tests (done at the start and end of your nutritional programme). You will be asked to sign up to our Menopause program which also includes exclusive access to all our additional exclusive meal plans, resources and recipes for 12 weeks. (£42 initial sign up plus additional £24 collected in 2 installments at the end of each month on the program). We will recommend 1-2 supplements during the program tailored to each individual to optimise your results which will be an additional cost. (These are optional but strongly recommended).
What Will I Have to Do?
As free places on the study are limited to only 20, GlycanAge is offering two tests for the price of one at £276 to anyone else who is eligible and would like to join in. As places on the study are limited we do expect those selected for the study to follow the nutrition and meal plan provided for the full 12 weeks. We will also be recommending lifestyle changes looking at exercise, sleep and stress management as these have been shown to have profound effects on your health, weight and biological age.
Unfortunately Applications for the Menopause Trial are now closed. You can still access the Menopause Program