Is Your Environment Sabotaging Your Health Goals?

Whatever your health goals - whether it is to lose weight, improve your diet overall, skip the snacks or alcohol there is one area that is often overlooked - the environment you create around you.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) – help for the aging brain

If you’re interested in optimising your brain health and cognition the chances are you have heard of Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).

Science Based Health Benefits of Collagen

Collagen supplements seem to be everywhere - you'll find them in skin creams, body lotions, powders, capsules and even snack bars.

Can CBD Oil Improve Your Sleep?

If you’ve struggled with poor sleep the chances are you have tried endless gadgets, supplements and lifestyle hacks.

Tackling Menstrual Migraines

If you have ever experienced a migraine you will know how debilitating it is.

Magnesium - Why it can help Performance

Are you looking to boost your performance, gain that competitive edge and improve recovery? Don’t overlook the need for optimal levels of magnesium - even small shortfalls in magnesium intake can inhibit athletic performance.

Can Women Take Creatine?

 Creatine is one of the most popular fitness supplements particularly among men looking to improve muscle mass.