Looking for an easy cleansing green juice? Try this one. It is crammed with nutrients and by limiting the fruit you can keep the sugar content low too. I love adding lemon in green juices – it really cuts through the strong flavour of some greens and gives the juice a wonderful citrus kick. To really perk up the juice stir in some green superfood powder. I love Organic burst Spirulina powder. This recipe is from my new book Supercharged Juices and Smoothies

Difficulty – Information to follow soon.
Time – Information to follow soon.
Serves – 1
What’s good about it?
Information to follow soon.
- Simply place all the ingredients into the juicer and mix in the superfood powder
- Best served immediately
Did you Know?
Information to follow soon.
1 small handful of spinach leaves
1 small handful of kale leaves
1 pear, unpeeled
1 small lemon, peeled
1/2 small fennel bulb
1 small cucumber
1/4 tsp spirulina powder, optional