This is an easy recipe to make your own coconut yogurt. I thicken mine with a little agar agar flakes which makes it set when you chill it in the fridge. Non-dairy milk requires a thickener to set into a spoonable yogurt. You can either use a non-dairy starter, empty probiotic capsules or use a little regular dairy probiotic yogurt if tolerated. This is delicious served on its own or mixed with fruit. For a video showing you how to make your own see this link

Homemade Coconut Yogurt

Difficulty – Information to follow soon.
Time – Information to follow soon.
Serves – Information to follow soon.
What’s good about it?
Information to follow soon.
- Place the milk and agar flakes in a saucepan. Gradually heat the milk stirring all the time.Bring to the boil then simmer for 3-4 minutes until the agar flakes have dissolved
- Cool the milk then add the yogurt starter
- Place in a yogurt maker and ferment for at least 12 hours.
- Place in the fridge to set
Did you Know?
Information to follow soon.
Makes 1 batch
- 2 cans / 2x 400g full fat coconut milk
- 2tsp agar agar flakes
- 2tbsp probiotic yogurt (Co YO or regular plain yogurt)