I love this creamy smoothie. Sharp and tangy yet the addition of avocado gives it a wonderful luxury feel and smooth texture. I use coconut kefir but you could also use coconut cream or milk instead. Use a full fat milk for a lovely rich flavour. You will need to add a little sweetener. To keep the glycemic index low choose xylitol or stevia to taste. Cram in a few fresh greens as well for a detox boost and perhaps a spoonful of superfood green powder.

Time – 5 minutes.
Serves – 2
What’s good about it?
Including kefir is a fabulous way to boost your intake of fermented foods. Packed with beneficial bacteria including it daily is an easy to keep your gut healthy. If you don’t have kefir you could use yogurt instead
- Simply place all the ingredients in a blender or nutribullet and process until smooth. Thin with a little water if needed Sweeten to taste.
- Serve immediately.
Nutrition per serving 184kcal, Fat 7.7g, Carbohydrates 12.1g, Protein 15.1g
Did you Know?
Green smoothies are an easy way to cram in more greens into your diet. Why not supercharge them with additional powders and oils – check out my book Supercharged Green Juice & Smoothie Diet for loads of nourishing ideas
1/2 small ripe avocado
1 banana, chopped
100g coconut kefir, yogurt or soy yogurt
300ml almond milk or soy milk
handful of ice cubes, optional
Juice and zest of 1 lime
Handful of spinach leaves
1tsp superfood green powder or matcha green tea
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
xylitol or stevia to taste, optional