This has got to be the easiest way to help heal your gut! If you’re struggling getting bone broth into your diet regularly then try this option. Ideal for children too – these are healthy sweets!! I am making a number of batches of these with my new love Great Lakes Gelatin. Gelatin is a wonderful way to support gut healing –it’s a source of protein, and full of essential amino acids. Great Lakes Gelatin comes from grass fed cattle and is of superior quality. For cooking use the orange can gelatin which gels when heated. If you just want to boost your collagen intake and protein then use the green can hydrolysed collagen which is ideal in smoothies and ice creams.
Gelatin is effectively a protein derived from collagen – normally beef derived but you can also get fish derived collagen too. Collagen is vital for supporting not just gut health but skin, tendons, ligaments and bone.
This is a super easy recipe – vary the fruit according to tastes or what you have available. I often use frozen berries and just blend them up with ProBerry Amla powder and a little lemon juice. You can add a little sweetener if needed – stevia or xylitol for example but I prefer to leave it out.

Difficulty – Information to follow soon.
Time – Information to follow soon.
Serves – Information to follow soon.
What’s good about it?
Information to follow soon.
- Place the berries and coconut water in a pan and simmer gently until the fruit is very soft.
- Place the hot fruit in a blender with the the lemon juice and gelatin and blender until smooth and the gelatin has disssolved.
- Cool the liquid slightly then blend in the ProBerry powder until smooth
- Pour the mixture into little jelly or chocolate moulds and place in the fridge to set
- Refrigerate for about 2 hours until set
- Turn out and store in the fridge until required
Did you Know?
Information to follow soon.
- 450g mixed berries or strawberries / raspberries
- 200ml coconut water
- 1 Tablespoon (15 mL) lemon juice
- 1 scoop or ProBerry Amla powder (ARG)
- 4 heaped tablespoons of Great Lakes Gelatin