How Many Calories Should I Eat?

If you are serious about changing your body composition, whether it’s to lose fat or build muscle (or both) you need to have some understanding what and how much you are eating.

5 Top Tips to Stick to a Diet & Keep Motivated

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to work with many people who want to lose weight, build muscle or following a specific diet for health reasons.

Can you Burn more Fat with Fasted Exercise?

Looking to burn more fat during workouts?  Try exercising in a fasted state.

Why Women Need to Lift Weights

If you’re looking to tone up and develop muscle definition to your body crash dieting is NOT the answer.

Foods to Beat Stress & Enhance Performance

Feel stressed, overwhelmed and unable to shift those extra pounds?  Stop crash dieting - it's probably making matters worse.

Superfoods to Supercharge your Health

Need to give your body a health boost and keep lean? Forget calorie counting and crash dieting.

WEIGHT LOSS – The hormone link

Are you fed up with the standard health advice of eat less and exercise more to lose weight?  Unfortunately, the well-worn notion—that as long as you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight—is simply wrong.