Lectins - when food may not be your friend

Lectins are one of the most significant sources of food sensitivity yet are often overlooked.

Best Foods To Eat For Eczema

Combat the itch for good with nutritional intervention and healing foods.

Foods to Beat Stress & Enhance Performance

Feel stressed, overwhelmed and unable to shift those extra pounds?  Stop crash dieting - it's probably making matters worse.

Eggs - Should you limit your intake?

One of the most frequent questions I get asked by clients is how many eggs can I safely eat each week?  There is still this ongoing myth that cholesterol causes heart disease and because eggs contain cholesterol we should limit our consumption.

Holiday Health - How to Survive the Summer Holidays

Want to keep healthy on holiday?  Whether you’re heading abroad or staying closer to home make sure you pack some healthy essentials   We all look forward to our summer holidays.