20 Strategies to help with Anxiety

Anxiety affects millions globally, contributing to a substantial burden on both mental and physical health. Fortunately, recent studies suggest that dietary, lifestyle and nutrition support can provide relief from anxiety symptoms. Here are some top strategies What is Anxiety? Anxiety disorders are a group of disorders which include generalised anxiety disorders, panic disorders, OCD, phobias … Read more To access this post, you must purchase Lean & Nourish 21 day Programme & Access to Member Resources – Subscription, Lean & Nourish 21 day Programme & Access to Member Resources or Menopause Lean Programme & Access to Member Resources.

Supporting a Robust Immune Response

Want to keep healthy this winter? Then you need a robust and balanced immune response.

A Diet For Depression

Depression affects around 1 in 10 adults with estimates that up to 50% of the population will experience at least one episode of depression during their lives.

Feeding Our Gut Microbiome: The Best Prebiotics to Eat

Our gut is home to trillions of microbes – altogether, they can weigh up to 2 kilograms.

Tackling Inflammation Naturally

If you’re concerned about how well you are ageing the chances are you’ve heard about the importance of tackling chronic inflammation.